HTML Reference Sheet


There are 6 tiers of headings: <h1>...<h6>
These headings are uses by to quickly identify parts of your webpage. Think of headings as like an outline for you page. The highest priority heading (<h1>) defaults to the largest text size, and the sizes get smaller as the priority goes down. Below is an example of what the default headings look like, but best practices styles the headings with color, size, and font using CSS.

Examples of the 6 HTLM Headings

<H1>Priority 1 Heading Size</H1>

<H2>Priority 2 Heading Size</H2>

<H3>Priority 3 Heading Size</H3>

<H4>Priority 4 Heading Size</H4>

<H5>Priority 5 Heading Size</H5>
<H6>Priority 6 Heading Size</H6>
Again, HTML isn't the best way to orient text, so please read on with caution knowing that the style will be changed in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

HTML Facts:

This page uses 2 <h1> headings, 2 <h2> headings, and 1 of each of the other 4